About Wise Disguise

Wise Disguise is costume satisfaction. Here's how it works:

  • Make Money

    You have costumes, accessories, or dress-up clothes from years of Halloweens and theme parties stuffed in the back of your closet. Sell them for cash.

  • Promote Reuse

    If you wear that costume again, your Facebook friends will all know. Sell it to others to reuse and be eco-friendly.

  • Buy Creativity

    Being creative for your costume party is a lot of work. Borrow from others creativity and buy others' costumes.

  • Be Unique

    Halloween stores only sell a few dozen overpriced costumes. Homemade costumes are unique, fun, and more affordable.

  • Be Legendary

    Enter our costume contests to win prizes and show off your cleverness outside of your local bar's Halloween party.


Created by Black Beach Digital - © 2013 Wise Disguise